Calibration assigns a default probability estimate to each possible overall score. According to
European Directive 2006/48/EC, the rating scale used by the credit institution to group debtors in classes with a reasonably small band of PD values. The directive allows the use of "direct estimates of risk parameters [which] may be seen as the outputs of grades on a continuous rating scale". (Directive 2006/48/EC, Annex VII, Part 4, 4)
There two distinct calibration procedures to be used, depending on the methodology used to build the scoring function.
- Logistic regression: already yields sample-dependent PD estimates, which need to be rescaled to each segment's average PD.
- Statistical and heuristic models (e.g. MDA): calibration assigns PD values to scores; rescaling may be necessary.
Unless a full data survey is used to generate the data set, external data is necessary to calibrate the rating system. Specifically, for all segments it is necessary to know the a priori PD (the average default rate).